How do I add per diem trips for dates prior to installing Per Diem Plus?
The Manual Per Diem tool allows a user to record per diem trips for dates prior to installing Per Diem Plus. (N/A for PDP Fleets app).
- Tap the TRIP tab.
- Scroll down to the desired date or use the JUMP TO DATE option.
- Tap the "+" icon.
- Verify the date.
- Enter the location (city / state / US or Canada) where you underwent a 10 hr restart.
- Select Full or Partial Per Diem.
- Tap SAVE.
Tap here to view a quick tutorial on manually recording a per diem entry.
NOTE: After saving a manually entered per diem trip it CANNOT be edited. You need to retain documentation, i.e. an ELD backup, to substantiate per diem for each manual entry.